Our living room has an open floor plan. The main wall houses our fireplace flanked by book cases. The other main wall is a wall of windows that overlook our deck in the back yard. The other two sides are open to the foyer, dining room and kitchen.
The main wall is the focal point in the room. It houses our fireplace flanked by bookcases and the television sits above the fireplace. The mantle on the fireplace is very narrow, but I love to display seasonal items here along with sentimental items. As you can see in the picture below, I have some Memorial/July Fourth items scattered in with photos, plants and books.
Memorial Day/July 4th mantle |
The book cases, oh where do I begin. They're full of all things that we love. The books on the shelves range from favorite readings, annuals, photo albums, interior design, garden ideas, dog training and etc. The photo frames are filled with sentimental moments that I don't want to forget. The duck decoys, are just a few of Big "M's" collection. The blue and white pieces are accent color and every home has to just have some. And last plants. I love to garden, therefore plants in my home are a must.
Book Case |
The other main wall is a wall of windows. I have custom drapes from floor to ceiling on each far side of the set of windows. I wanted to leave as much of the windows open as possible, but adding color and closure on each side. This wall is flanked with two side chairs and a antique drop leaf table inbetween. The drop leaf table belonged to my maternal grandmother. I adorn this table with photo frames that are ever changing. It's usally snapshots of things happening in our lives. And of course blue and white and my favorite house plant, A Bird Nest Fern.
The sofa sits on one of the open walls, therfore I have placed a sofa table behind it to give the feeling of an imaginary wall. The sofa is filled with customer pillows made from antique french grain sacks and bosporus toile. The sofa table is home to some of the same items elsewhere in the room; books, blue and white and photo frames.
The one small wall that really is my hall but opens to the living room is adorned with sentimental art work.
With all that said, the living room in our home really is the heart of our home.
Wow, what a pretty and cozy room! Love all the sentimental things you surround yourself with. You have so many pretty and interesting things to look at. I love your red checked pillow (all your pillows are really pretty together) and drop-leaf table especially, and of course your blue and white! Very nice room =) Wish I could sit down with a cup of coffee and chat with you there =)